Standard 5

Impact on Student Learning: Physical Education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instructional decisions.

Artifact: 5.2 Use appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of goals and objectives

Element: ">PED434teamhandballpresentation

Date: Fall 2011

Reflection: The presentation my team and I put together is made up of the background of the school, standards, goals, and results of the unit's assessments. We tested the students on the pychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains through the pre. test lesson and the post test lesson. For the pychomotor domain, we used the skill of catching a ball during the handball unit. We looked for the hand placement when receiving a catch, awareness while being passed the ball, and if each student tucked the ball in when engaging the catch. For the cognitive domain, we tested the students with a written 10 question test at the end of the pre. test and post test on the different aspects of the game. Lastly for the affective domain we asked the students how they felt about how much effort they put in each lesson. The result was a majority of the students increased in each one of these domains by the end of the unit.